The photo gallery showcases a Majestic size example.
Florist’s Choice Bouquet | Red & Pink
Same-Day Local Delivery | Free Collection
From £35.00
Featuring a mix of lush red and pink blooms complemented by fresh greenery, this bouquet is elegantly wrapped in coordinating paper and tied with a satin ribbon for a refined finish, and presented in a gift box.
The arrangement may differ from the photo shown as our florists will select the freshest, most beautiful blooms available to create a one-of-a-kind bouquet just for you.
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Substitution Policy
In the event that a specific flower or foliage is unavailable due to seasonal constraints, stock availability or other unforeseen circumstances, we reserve the right to substitute it with a comparable alternative of equal or greater value. The overall aesthetic and theme of the arrangement will be maintained to the best of our ability.