Sympathy Flowers
Sympathy flowers are a heartfelt way to express condolences and offer comfort to those grieving the loss of a loved one.
These flowers convey a message of support and solace during a difficult time.
Common choices for sympathy flowers include white lilies, which symbolise purity and innocence, and soft-coloured roses, which convey grace and sympathy.
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Velvet Cascade
From £40.00 -
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Magical Pinks
From £40.00 -
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Moonlight Whispers
From £40.00 -
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Coral Sunset
From £45.00 -
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Morning Bliss
From £40.00 -
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Misty Charm
From £45.00 -
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Frosted Dream
From £40.00 -
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Sunset Radiance
From £40.00 -
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Pastel Serenity
From £45.00 -
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Cerise Harmony
From £40.00 -
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Sunflower Medley
From £45.00 -
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Floral Symphony
From £40.00 -
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Sunflower Glow
From £40.00 -
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Blooming Bliss
From £40.00 -
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Jubilee Blooms
From £50.00 -
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Velvet Whispers
From £45.00